Website terms
1. General
The website (the "Website") is operated by the company Beddeleem NV, to which we refer in these website terms as "the company", "Beddeleem", "we", or "us". The registered seat of the company is located at Venecoweg 14A, 9810 Nazareth, Belgium. Please feel free to contact us at any time at this address. Our company and VAT number is BE(0)400.071.649. Equally, you can send us an e-mail at or contact us by phone at +32(0)9 221 89 21.
Please note that the access to and the use of the Website is subject to the present website terms, our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy. These documents jointly constitute a single legal instrument (the "Terms and Conditions") which applies to your visit to and use of our Website.
By visiting this Website and consulting the material and information it contains, you confirm that you have read, understood, accepted and agreed to be bound by the Terms and Conditions. If you experience any difficulty or problem with understanding these Terms and Conditions, or in the event you would disagree with its contents, please refrain from using the Website in any way. In this case, you may contact us at all times by using the contact details referenced to above.
2. Nature of the information
The Website is intended as a source to find and provide you with information of a general nature. Through the Website you can obtain more general information about the services/products we offer to our customers as well as additional relevant information.
The making available of information on this Website may and cannot be interpreted as a(n) (binding) offer and/or a proposal to contract, nor as a constitutive part thereof.
Neither is the information provided on the Website intended to constitute any form of advice. To obtain any form of advice, we recommend you to contact one of our qualified experts. You can do this at any time via the "contact" tab on the Website or via the other contact details available to you.
All of our contractor or other agreements (for the services / products as described on the Website) are solely and exclusively entered into with our customers on an individual basis. If you are interested to enter into a contract with us, you can always contact us to discuss this in more detail (see the "contact" tab on the Website). Also in this respect, the information on the Website is of a purely informative nature and may be the subject of further discussion between us and our customers.
The information offered on this Website, including the Terms and Conditions and the services/products described, may be changed, extended or terminated by Beddeleem at any time and without prior notice. We recommend that you regularly consult the applicable Terms and Conditions upon your visit of the Website.
3. Content and availability
We spend time and efforts in compiling the content of this Website. The Website is updated to the best of our ability and at regular intervals. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Beddeleem does not guarantee that all information, data or publications on the Website is up to date, nor does it guarantee its accuracy, correctness, completeness or suitability for a particular purpose. The purpose of the information on this Website is to provide interested parties with information of a general nature.
Beddeleem (or its employees, representatives or subcontractors) can therefore not be held liable or responsible, neither directly or indirectly, for any errors and/or damage that may arise from the use of any information on this Website. If you notice any errors in the information provided, please do not hesitate to contact us. The information on this Website may be changed at any time without prior notice.
Equally, we make reasonable efforts to protect the Website by reasonable means and to limit as much as possible any inconvenience resulting from the use of the Website. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that incorrect actions or unauthorised interventions take place, nor do or can we guarantee that access to the Website will not be interrupted or otherwise hindered or made more difficult. We will use reasonable efforts to protect this Website from computer viruses and other types of malware. However, given the nature of these dangers, you understand and agree that we cannot provide an absolute protection and that you will take the necessary steps to protect your own computer equipment and systems.
4. Intellectual property rights
The intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright and trade mark rights) on the information, publications and data provided on this Website (including all texts, logos, brochures, information, trade names, graphics, software and other material on the Website) belong to and are the property of Beddeleem NV, Metal Systems NV, JB CLEVER BV, Beddeleem Lux SA, or its affiliated entities or third parties.
It is not permitted to reproduce, save in a computerised database or any other data carrier, publish, distribute, transfer or sell anything from this Website or its contents, in any form or by any means whatsoever, without the express prior written consent of Beddeleem NV, Metal Systems NV, JB CLEVER BV, Beddeleem Lux SA, or its affiliated entities or third parties.
Visitors to this Website may exclusively consult and print the information on the screen for their personal use. The only licence granted to the visitors of our Website on our intellectual property rights is to inform about the products and services we offer to our customers. This licence is limited to viewing our products/services and considering a business relationship with Beddeleem.
In general, the content and design of this Website is governed by national and international intellectual and copyright laws. Therefore, among other things, the originality and distinctive character of both the form and the content of this Website may not be affected in any way, in whole or in part, by intrusion, reproduction, counterfeiting or interception.
Without being restrictive, you may not: (a) publish, copy, distribute, create derivative works from, reverse-engineer, reproduce, decompile, disassemble or modify the content of this Website; (b) send spam, duplicate or transmit unsolicited messages in violation of applicable law; (c) transmit or store viruses, worms, "time bombs" or other malicious code in or through the Website; (d) use automated systems or software to extract data from the Website (screen scraping); (e) copy ideas, designs, logos created by the company or images from the Website; or (f) generally contravene any laws or other legal instruments applicable to you. Under no circumstances you may copy, reproduce or use the trademarks, logos or names appearing on the Website. You may not incorporate links to our Website into other websites without our prior consent.
5. Privacy policy and cookie policy
Beddeleem values and respects your privacy. We appreciate and value highly your trust in our company and all personal data you provide us with will be treated with the utmost care and confidentiality.
By using the Website you can provide us with certain information, for example by filling in a contact form, requesting a brochure, sending an application, etc.
We also use cookies, small files that can be placed on your device.
The way in which we process your personal data is described in more detail in our Privacy Policy and in our Cookie Policy.
6. Disclaimer
We accept no liability or responsibility for any direct or indirect damage resulting from or related to the access to, consultation or use of the data, information, documents and publications made available on this Website, and/or access to and use of interactive applications. This also includes any indirect or consequential damage, or any other damage that could be linked to the existence and/or the content of this Website, to its potential unavailability, to the access to it, to the content of the emails and newsletters sent by us and to the possible sending of computer viruses. The foregoing applies irrespective of whether any such liability would or could be of a contractual or extra-contractual nature.
This clause applies to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and is in no way intended to, nor may it be interpreted in such a way as to, violate mandatory rules relating to the exclusion or limitation of liability.
7. External (hyper)links
The Website may contain (hyper)links to other websites and platforms (including social media platforms, ...) managed by third parties. We have no technical control over these linked websites / platforms nor over their content. We cannot guarantee the completeness or accurateness of such content, nor the availability of these external sites / platforms.
Furthermore, linked websites and platforms may be subject to their own terms of use, privacy and cookie policy. We recommend that you read these thoroughly before using these websites / platforms. We accept no liability for the storage / processing of personal data of users of these websites or platforms.
We accept no liability for the content and application of the information on these websites and platforms, nor for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of these external websites / platforms.
8. Your information
The Website may also offer functionalities that allow the uploading of information or data (e.g. entering information in our contact form). You are responsible for the data/information you provide via our Website.
In any event, we expect all visitors to our Website to comply with applicable laws and not to upload content that is illegal or contrary to good taste or general standards of decency. We also require that such content does not infringe the rights of third parties (e.g. intellectual property rights).
9. Applicable law and competent courts
Any use of the Website is governed by Belgian law (with exception of the application of its rules of private international law) and will be interpreted accordingly.
By using the Website, you agree, to the extent permitted by law, that any dispute concerning the validity, interpretation or execution of these Terms and Conditions shall be finally settled by the competent court in Ghent, Belgium.
10. Severability and language
If any clause in the Terms and Conditions would be judged to be invalid and/or unenforceable, the remaining clauses shall remain in full force and effect. The parties hereto then agree to replace the invalid and/or unenforceable clause with a valid and/or enforceable clause that reflects as closely as possible the original intention of the clause concerned.
We offer our Website and the Terms and Conditions in various languages. Although we take great care in drawing up our information and documentation, the Dutch version of the information and documentation (including the Terms and Conditions) will always prevail.