JB COOL climat ceiling
Climate ceiling system
In offices and public spaces, various factors determine the satisfaction and efficiency of the people who work and operate there. Air hygiene and climatic conditions play a very important role.
The intensive search for alternatives to conventional air conditioning in offices and public buildings has led to a concept that combines several qualities, eliminates a number of unpleasant secondary effects, is easy to integrate everywhere and guarantees reduced energy consumption.
Reduced energy consumption
The JB COOL® climate ceiling from Beddeleem actively contributes to creating the ideal space with maximum comfort. It also plays a tangible role in the reduction of the energy costs. This climate ceiling consists of active and passive ceiling panels that positively influence the air hygiene and climatic conditions in the room.
Substitution of conventional air conditioning or heating
The climate elements on the ceiling tiles replace the classic air conditioning or heating. The plenum is easily accessible. There is almost unlimited architectural freedom in design: ceiling modulation, panel dimensions, colours, perforations, monolithic ceiling appearance are possible according to your wishes.